Hey, Jayk:
I'm feeling the same about family, but it isn't just a JW thing.
I had about 20 great aunts and uncles, so you can imagine all the cousins. I was on Facebook with my recently deceased first cousin's children. They're adults now and have their own kids. My only connection is through FB because everyone is scattered across the country. We kids -- back in the '50s and '60s -- were always together.
Of course, the disconnection is amplified when you leave the org and get shunned. Apart from some bad blood that exists in any family, still, I have reconnected with my Catholic family (although they were always a part of my life, even as a JW). They never shunned me, and I was a JW for nearly fifty years.
So, Jay, as to feeling old . . . yes, you're correct! The good news is that, chronologically, you are not old.
Blessings and peace.